Payment Methods in the USA

WeGetVisas in the USA accepts the following cards:

  • Visa.
  • MasterCard.
  • American Express.
  • Discover.

Our site does not process or store your credit card details - for payment gateway we use PayPal. Just click on the Paypal button "Buy Now" above or at the top of right sidebar, and you will be redirected to PayPal's secure payment page. You do not need to have a PayPal account to pay us by credit card. If you do not have Paypal acount, you can click "No Paypal Account" to be taken to regular credit card processing page.

You need to know the total amount which you would like to pay to us.

We recommend that prior making payment you contact us via email to get the exact quote. Please send your specific quote inquiry to

Alternatively, you can use the information on our website's various pages about our fees in the USA to sum up the lump sum payment which can include the following items:

  • Consular fee.
  • Money order preparation fee.
  • 4% of the official consular fee as PayPal charge.
  • Photo printing service.
  • Our service fee.
  • Courier shipment cost.

When making payment, please fill out your contact details (billing/shipping address), credit card information, description of services and the total amount. We do not see/store your credit card information as it is all securely handled by PayPal. Click "update" button on PayPal's page to update your information or number of items. After you complete payment, you will be directed back to our page with your receipt sent to you by email.